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NewLeaf Forestry is a comprehensive forestry management service based in Scotland. Plying our trade as land managers giving the very best service to our clients through innovative ideas, linking techniques as old as nature to modern thinking and meeting peoples expectations from forests of today and for the future.

A b o u t
S e r v i c e s
Forests for the future
Woodland creation.
NewLeaf forestry delivers designed landscape, commercial production forestry or woodlands with specific ecological objectives. In most instances, accessing private and public funding streams to finance the design and planting of tomorrows forests. The world is waking up and recognising the importance of trees and their role in securing the future for the next generation.
Trees for now.
Sustainably managing established forests to deliver against a host of objectives. From planning to maintenance to thinning and felling and back to replanting. NewLeaf forestry prides ourselves on giving our clients a completely transparent and tailored service.
Seeing the wood for the trees.
Mapping, forest inventory and financial planning. Having an acute awareness of your forests development is crucial when planning your next move. NewLeaf forestry employ a range of techniques and time served experience to evaluate forestry data to allow you to make informed decisions
Safe trees.
NewLeaf Forestry offer arboricultural surveys , woodland maintenance and tree safety reports.
Giving land stewards a good understanding of the condition of their trees ensuring that they continue to function in their landscape.
Chips with that.
Biomass recovery from forest residues and young timber crops can offer hidden benefits to forest owners.
Reduced restocking costs
Increased revenue
Improved soil structures
Lower chemical inputs
Its not always suitable for everyone however speak to one of our experts and see if it fits with your woodland.
Clearing a route.
In order to get a clear road to get timber out or building a track to get recreation in, well planned and expertly constructed forest infrastructure is essential. We offer a full design and delivery service for all civils works in and out of the forest.

C o n t a c t
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